Chatroom 2018 October 1

Note: the times are Pacific Daylight Time

08:19:55 From Robert J Ballantyne : Who is deciding who is best?
08:21:58 From Robert J Ballantyne : So, do the participants try to speak for the absent members?
08:24:56 From Robert J Ballantyne : Is the reason for proceeding with the meeting associated with only with timely issues. In other words, should you postpone items to workshopped, but go ahead with business that is time sensitive such as agreeing to pay a supplier?
08:26:04 From Robert J Ballantyne : Is the decision to proceed a question for the chair to rule on, or is it the responsibility for then whole group present?
08:30:47 From Robert J Ballantyne : So, if you are choosing to proceed because it is easier to deal with an issue because a certain member is missing… is that machiavellian?
08:32:09 From Robert J Ballantyne : Should the board have a policy to avoid machiavellian decisions?
08:33:28 From Robert J Ballantyne : Are those principles in writing?
08:37:03 From Robert J Ballantyne : Thanks folks