Chat Room, Monday, 2017 Nov. 14.
All times are Pacific Standard Time.
08:30:24 From Robert J Ballantyne : There are several philosophies of Strategic Planning. The one that I have used is John Bryson’s.
08:31:00 From Robert J Ballantyne : The Strategic Plan is the plan that flows out of identifying ‘strategic issues’
08:31:45 From Robert J Ballantyne : A fully developed SP has a program plan (what you are going to do) + the related budget
08:32:57 From Robert J Ballantyne : John, does the board think that the strategic plan belongs to the board?
08:33:04 From Sherry Jennings : a resource from healthcare
08:33:48 From Robert J Ballantyne : A “long term plan” is different from a “strategic plan.”
08:35:20 From Robert J Ballantyne : A strategic plan ensures that the org has the capacity to cope with strategic issues. It is not the long term plan.
08:36:36 From Robert J Ballantyne : Strategic issues arise from research/identifying what is happening in the org’s environment, plus a study of the internal capabilities of the org
08:37:46 From Robert J Ballantyne : A board might have a strategic plan for the future of the board (I wouldn’t recommend it). This is different from a strategic plan for the whole org.
08:38:22 From Robert J Ballantyne : Boards often want a role (usually meddling) in the org’s strategy. That’s not the SP
08:39:10 From Robert J Ballantyne : DOESN’T THE SP BELONG TO THE CEO… AND NOT THE BOARD?
08:42:18 From Robert J Ballantyne : My favourite description of a strategic plan was articulated by that great strategic planner, Wayne Gretzky who said, “I skate to where I know the puck will be.”
08:46:58 From Robert J Ballantyne : Whenever the board takes responsibility, it lets the CEO off the hook
08:49:30 From Robert J Ballantyne : Strategic Planning usually involves doing some research… not just soul searching. How is this done by the board?
08:50:38 From Robert J Ballantyne : The hardest part of that research is usually investigating the environment in which the org exists
08:52:37 From Robert J Ballantyne : How would the board come to the conclusion that something like an advisory group might be useful? Intuition or research?
08:55:19 From John : I have to go to China on the the top of the hour