On Monday, November 14, 2017, Sherry S Jennings talked to Linda Stier and John Bruce about the role the board of a non profit organization might play in the Strategic Planning process.
They were joined in the Chat Room by Robert J Ballantyne.
Click for a popup window of the Chat Room <<
Some observations about this experiment
Google’s YouTube has done a fair job of adding the closed caption text of the discussion. Some people might find it easier, or more entertaining, to follow the conversation by clicking the “cc” button at the bottom of the video screen, and then watching the text along with listening to the participants.
If you stumbled upon this episode, the Xylem-Group has two objectives here. One is to have a conversation, and share it with whomever might find it instructive. Second, we are also experimenting with online platforms whereby we will be able to invited anyone who is interested in these explorations to attend online and comment in that Chat Room. We were using the now-defunct Blab software in 2016. We are now using Zoom for the live event. For this posting the recording has been edited with some titles and music. The process is a bit arduous, but we seem to be close to figuring out how to do it, and at a reasonable cost.
Sometime soon we will be announcing upcoming online conversation where you may participate. Please check back to this website.