The Xylem Spearing Group Explore using Zoom for public discussion events

The members of the Spearing Group of The Xylem Partners continue with their investigation of a Broadcast-like platform to hold public discussion events.

To view the associated chat room that was part of this session click this link (this is a popup window, so be sure your browser permits popups):

Click for chatroom  <<

This experiment, using, occurred on Monday, May 8, 2017. Since this posting is a test of new software, when we’ve concluded our process of investigation, the post may vanish from this site.

Robert J Ballantyne is joined by Sherry S Jennings, Linda Stier, and John Bruce to investigate how they might use the webinar features of as a replacement for or to hold public seminars. The concept is to have a live event with up to four video discussion leaders plus a number of participants commenting in the chat room. The recording of that live event would be edited to appear in a manner similar to what you see here.

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